If you’re following a plant-based diet, or have guests who are, then here’s something you should definitely know for weekend treats:
Jus Rol do a Vegan-friendly ready-to-roll croissant product…available in most supermarkets in the chiller cabinet. They also do a ready-to-roll chocolate croissant product – and very affordable.
And on the same theme, I was just given a new recipe book (I always love a new recipe book ….it makes me feel I’ve got untapped talent and potential in the kitchen), and I noticed a great tip for making vegan pastries with left over puff pastry…….Cut your left over puff pastry into rectangles and roll up with chopped dark chocolate inside and bake as mini pain au chocolat! How easy is that? I think I will just unwrap a new Jus Roll sheet of puff pastry and make the whole lot up into pastries – why wait it out until you have left overs?
Key rules of thumb about these vegan weekend treats:
- The Jus’ Rol range is vegan friendly – all of them EXCEPT from the products which are labelled ‘butter pastry’. So the vegan-friendly range includes ready-to-roll short and puff pastry, croissants, Foccacia, Vol-au-vents, and Pizza Bases. Always check the label of ready to roll product to ensure they haven't got butter in it.
- Look for Dark (not Milk) chocolate for vegan-friendly options e.g. Green & Blacks Organic Dark Chocolate. Check the label of dark chocolate because some products contain whey, which is from milk.
- Nutella is not vegan friendly - it's got whey from cow's milk in it.