2 bags of fresh spinach or 1 bag of frozen spinach defrosted
5 spring onions
1 clove of garlic
1 handful of oregano or marjoram (ideally fresh)
200g feta, crumbled (omit feta cheese and substitute with 200g cannellini beans instead if cooking vegan)
1 pack of filo pastry (made with oil not butter if you are cooking vegan e.g. Jus Rol - always check the label)
Olive oil
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Finely chop the spring onions and a little garlic and place in a large pan with some olive oil. (Add the cannellini beans if using.) Cook gently for 5 minutes until soft. Add the washed spinach or defrosted spinach to the pan and mix, wilting the fresh spinach. Remove from the heat and add the finely chopped herbs, and the crumbled feta, if using, and mix it altogether.
Take 1 sheet of filo at a time and place on a board. Fold it lengthwise into 3 so you have a long strip.
Brush the pastry with olive oil. Place a dessert spoonful of the spinach mixture at the top of the strip. Then fold diagonally down the strip to create a triangular shaped parcel. If there is any pastry left at the end, fold it under. Brush the whole thing with olive oil and place on a greased baking tray.
Repeat with more sheets of filo until all the filling has been used. Place the baking tray in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes until the parcels are golden brown.
These can be made ahead and reheated for 10 minutes before serving. These are also great on picnics eaten cold.